• Class 2

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

In class 2 we have an exciting, well balanced curriculum which is designed to incorporate all areas of the KS1 National Curriculum. We operate a two year rolling programme of topics which we have chosen to inspire, motivate and engage the children.

  • Cities Near and Far / Our Place in Space / The Seaside and Pirates 
  • Superheroes & Explorers/ A Walk on the Wild Side/ Food and Farming

Our aim is to develop and nurture a love of learning.  Every child is encouraged to set high expectations and achieve their very best.

The Seesaw app is used as an effective communication tool between school and home.  It allows parents to safely and easily keep up to date with their child’s learning.


Reading is the key to the rest of the curriculum and is a high priority in class 2. We teach reading through daily phonics, group guided reading and one to one reading.


The most important homework which you can do with your child is to read together as often as possible! Reading with your child daily for approximately 10-15 minutes is ideal. We want all our children to feel that reading is fun! Sharing their school reading book is just one tool to use: share stories from home, information books on subjects they love, as well as reading words from around the environment to engage them in a world of words so they become confident, fluent readers.

Each week the children will be given spellings to learn. These words will link to sounds or spelling patterns which are being taught in school. They will also include common exception words which are in the National Curriculum and are statutory for Year 1 and Year 2.  The children are introduced to their spelling list in school on Monday and will need to practise their words at home before a test in school on Friday.

In addition the children will have a homework task to complete. It will be maths, English or topic based and is intended to revise, consolidate and support their learning in the classroom.

A secure knowledge of number and times table facts are very important to develop fluent mathematicians. As children become ready they will be given times table challenges too.

Mrs H. Sanderson
Mrs H. Sanderson
Year 1/2 Teacher

Mrs A. Davies
Mrs A. Davies
Teaching Assistant